
All posts tagged: OCT

How we "look" for Glaucoma


For our first post of 2023 I thought I'd make it a clinical one and talk a little about an eye disease that everyone has heard of but not many know what it actually is - Glaucoma. Now Glaucoma is a little tricky to even explain what it is, there are a few different types of Glaucoma (or "the Glaucomas") which makes it even more difficult. But here goes!

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An Imaging Case Study


This week is National Eye Health Week, so we thought, we'll share this case history with you. These images highlight how amazing the latest technology in eyecare really is.

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Welcome to Our New Imaging Suite


We've been working away behind the scenes to create a truly amazing eyecare experience here at Village Optician to go hand in hand with our #ExceptionalEyewear, welcome to our brand new imaging suite!

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